Can I do my own Denture repairs?

Even if you are skilled at repairing cars or in the wood shop, do not attempt to adjust or repair your Dentures yourself. Improperly relined Dentures can cause increased pressure on the jaw resulting in rapid loss of jawbone. Do-it-yourself re-liners can irritate the soft tissue of your mouth. Worst case scenario, this do-it-yourself approach may cause irreparable damage, resulting in the need for a set of new Dentures. Do not attempt to fix a break with glue, many glues often contain harmful chemicals not intended human consumption. We are Denture specialists. They will know the most effective and inexpensive way to repair your Denture.

Do Dentures need to be replaced?

Dentures will need to be relined, remade, or re-based due to normal wear over a period of time and normal shrinkage of your gums and bones. Average Denture replacement should occur every 5-7 years, depending on the quality and aftercare of the Dentures.

How long do Dentures last?

A properly fitting Denture will remain functional for approximately five to seven years. When teeth are removed, the jawbone shrinks rapidly at first and then more slowly for the remainder of the patient’s life. When the Denture is made, it fits the jawbone at that time. However, as the jawbone shrinks, it changes the fit of the Denture. Denture teeth also wear down and become less able to properly cut into food. An inability to bite or cut into food with worn Denture teeth forces the Denture to push on the jawbone, and can change the bite alignment. Bruxism, or grinding of the teeth, will decrease the life of a Denture.

Some indications that your Dentures need to be replaced:

  • Sore spots
  • Looseness
  • Wearing down or flattening of the Denture teeth
  • Over-closing of the jaws
  • Difficulty with speech

Should I remove my Dentures at night?

We recommend removing your Dentures at night to give your mouth a chance to rest. If you remove your Dentures, it is important to leave them in water with our recommended cleaning solution to prevent any warping or cracking, and ensuring a cleaner Denture.

I am finding it hard to chew with my Dentures

Becoming comfortable with eating may take some practice, as a Denture is essentially a hard-plastic appliance used to replace as many as 32 living teeth. When first wearing new Dentures, avoid hard foods in favour of a diet of soft and non-fibrous foods. Try taking smaller bites and chewing gently to prevent Dentures from becoming loose. You will need to gradually introduce more solid foods to your diet, in order to avoid discomfort and sore spots.
Secure implant significantly increase the performance of Dentures, and are life changing. They reduce Denture bulk and will allow you to chew the foods you want

I’ve only lost a few teeth. Is it really worth having a partial Denture?

Yes! Your appearance is one reason. Another is that the gap left by a missing tooth can mean greater strain is put on the teeth on each side. A gap can also mean your ‘bite’ is affected, because the teeth next to the space can lean into the gap and alter the way the upper and lower teeth bite together. This can then lead to food getting packed into the gap, which causes both decay and gum disease. Teeth that are out of position can damage tissues in the mouth. A removable partial Denture fills in the space created by missing teeth and fills out your smile. A partial Denture helps you to properly chew food, a difficult task when you are missing teeth. In addition, a Denture may improve speech and prevent a sagging face by providing support for lips and cheeks.

What are the replacement teeth made of?

Usually acrylic, of various qualities and performance. Your denture teeth are chosen with you to get the right shape, colour and size.

Why can lower Full Dentures move around than uppers?

With upper Dentures you usually get suction between the Denture and the palate which has a comparatively large surface area. In contrast, the lower Dentures sit on thinner ridges which prohibit suction capabilities. The tongue and cheeks can also play a role in the movement of a lower Denture.

Will Dentures affect the way I speak?

Pronouncing different words with Dentures may require some practice. Reading out loud and repeating words you are having trouble with will help.
